Sunday, 20 December 2009

How To Get A 100% Free iPhone

Just a quick reminder for anyone that's new to the blog. To get a 100% free iPhone, all you've got to do is this:

1. Sign up to a freebie website, eg -

2. Complete an offer. This can be a free trial of a movie rental service like LoveFilm or BlockBuster. Everyone loves movies :)

3. Refer some friends to do the same! As soon as they complete their offer, you get a credit on your account.

Once you've got enough referral credits, your free iPhone will be posted to you, free of charge!

It's as easy as that. Hundreds of people have got their free iPhone 3G or 3GS already, and you could be next. Check out the free iPhone proof page (page 2) to see for yourself, then click the freebie website link above to get started.

Trading Greens For Free iPhone

If you're trying to complete a free iPhone 3G or 3GS offer and you need referrals, one way of getting referrals is to do a "trade" with someone else who is trying to get referrals.

It's pretty simple really. You agree to do a trade, swap referral links, then sign up and complete an offer. The other person's green goes towards your free iPhone.

There's a couple of rules though:

1) Remember, only one account per referral site (this applies to postal addresses, email addresses and IP addresses). Don't bother trying to create a second account, eventually your referral will be cancelled and it won't count.

2) Give the service you're trying out in the offer a fair go. Don't just sign up and immediately cancel. This raises red flags for the advertiser and they're likely to withdraw the credit (and maybe even the offer!)

3) Be wary of who you're trading with. The best place to find trades is the eXceem Trading Forums, since you can see history and feedback from previous trades (just like on eBay). This stops people from repeatedly scamming other members by not keeping up their end of the trade.

Doing trades can speed up your referrals considerably, but bear in mind it also means you have to do more offers. Once you've been through all the free ones you might start having to go for paid offers.

Luckily, most of the betting/casino/gaming offers give you a deposit bonus for free (usually they match your initial deposit) and so far I've made my money back on all these types of offers I've done, so it's possible to keep it free :)

Anyway, trades are a great way of collecting greens for your free iPhone. Check out the forums I linked to above, and see how you get on.

Sunday, 13 December 2009

How To Get Greens

OK so by now I hope you've signed up via and have started your journey towards a free iPhone. If you haven't - what are you waiting for? Check out the important posts (see top left of this page) and then get going. The sooner you start, the sooner you can be playing with your new iPhone.

Once you've completed your offer (I did the Homestead free trial), you're ready to start referring people to build up your quota.

The easiest way to start doing this, and to get a feel for how it works is to simply ask your friends and family.

I've found that if you try to sell them on the idea of getting freebies themselves, most will ignore it or not believe it's possible or think you're trying to scam them.

Instead, I ask them to do me a favour and simply check out the free trial offers that are available. Usually once I tell people they can get a free movie rental trial (LoveFilm in the UK, BlockBuster in the US) they are OK with it.

Or sometimes a friend might be considering switching internet providers, in which case they can move to Sky and as long as they do it through my referral link they'll be helping me out to get my free iPhone.

Always remember to offer to do them a favour in return - don't expect something for nothing.

Once they've agreed to help out, make sure you follow the rules: only one account per website per household, and they must complete the offer properly themselves, without faking any information. It is always possible to opt out of receiving marketing from the companies, so there's no problems there.

Follow up with them regularly, but be careful not to pester. If you pester too much people will get annoyed and are less likely to help out. A gentle reminder every week or so should do it.

Ask everyone you know. You might be surprised who'll help out and who won't. Sometimes your closest friends might think it's all too suspicious, but another friend you perhaps don't know so well might jump to help.

That's a few quick tips on how to get greens for a free iPhone. I've got several this way (and several more are pending and should go green in the next week or so). It really does work! After you've exhausted your friends and family, then you can move on to the wider world. But I'll save that for another post!

Until then, may all your pendings convert :)

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Top iPhone apps

Just saw this article about the best free iPhone apps. Definitely worth a read!

I'm probably going to do a bit of a regular feature on free iPhone apps that I want to get once my free 3G iPhone arrives. There's so many I don't know where to start! What are some of your favourites?

Free iPhone inspiration!

A little bit of inspiration to encourage you to work hard to get your free iPhone this Christmas! :)

free apple iphone 3g

Some Terminology

A quick bit of terminology when using incentive marketing and referral websites to get free gifts like a free iPhone.

Incentive marketing website - this is the website that manages the whole process for you. I use FreebieJeebies, but others are KudosNetwork, XPango, Free4Me and so on. These websites manage everyone signing up and completing offers, then they collect the money, buy the gifts and post them out to you.

Your referral link is the link that the incentive marketing website gives you. You share your link with your friends and family (and the wider world on the internet). They click the link, visit the incentive marketing website and sign up.

A referral is someone you've referred under your special referral link. This could be a friend or a family member, or someone you've never met. As long as they sign up to the incentive marketing website through your referral link, they count as a referral.

In order for a referral to become valuable to you, they have to actually complete an offer. Until they complete an offer, they are often known as a red referral, or just reds.

Once they start an offer, they'll change to purple or yellow and are then known as pending.

When the offer is completed, they'll go green, and that's when you get credit. The whole process from your point of view is collecting greens - once you've got enough greens you qualify for your free iPhone 3G (or whatPublish Postever other gift you're having) and the incentive marketing website will post it out to you.

More Proof Of Free iPhones

Just in case you weren't convinced by my last free iPhone proof post, here's another one. :)

(If you've just arrived here, be sure to check out the how to get a free iPhone post for information on incentive marketing)

Below I've embedded a couple of videos from YouTube that show news reports from the international news channel CNN, and a US technology and gadgets show G4.

Before you watch the videos, I should quickly explain why they're both talking about free iPods and not free iPhones.

You see, this whole incentive marketing free gift system started a few years ago with the release of the first iPods. People went crazy over the iPods and some genius came up with the idea of combining offers with free gifts and created an overnight craze.

News stations climbed over each other to be the first to cover it, and that's why we've got videos like the news broadcast below.

However, since then lots of other people have started up freebie websites to give away free iPhones, games consoles, laptops, TVs and a load of other stuff, but since the news channels have all run stories about it they're not interested in running and new ones.

So, these videos are old but they PROVE that the concept of incentive marketing is not a scam, is real, legitimate and actually works. One of the guys on the G4 show (second video) went through the process and received one of the very first free iPods to be sent out!

And there you have it - incentive marketing worked then for free iPods, and it works just as well now for free iPhones.

How To Get A Free iPhone

(If you've just arrived, be sure to check out the free iPhone proof page!)

The answer to getting a free 3GS iPhone is all down to one killer secret: incentive marketing. You can learn more about it here:

Here's the basic idea:

1. You sign up to an incentive marketing website.

2. You complete an "offer". These offers are set up by companies who want to attract new customers. It could be trying out a new online casino, or signing up to a home movie rental service, or checking your credit.

Many offers are free and cost you nothing to complete (remember, you only need to complete one offer so if you do a free one it costs you absolutely nothing).

3. Refer friends to do steps 1 and 2. Note: your friends do NOT need to do step 3 (the referral part) - this is NOT a pyramid or ponzi scheme. Even if your friends never receive anything for free, as long as they've completed one offer each you will get credit and receive your free iPhone.

In summary - you sign up, do an offer then refer some friends to also do an offer. Once all the offers are complete, you get your free iPhone 3G or 3GS!

The number of friends you have to refer will vary depending on the cost of the gift you want. The more expensive the gift, the more referrals you'll need.

So here's that link again:

Click on it and go there now and check it out - there's details on the website so you can start immediately.


So why does this all work? Well, companies set up the offers to get new customers. They're willing to pay a referral fee to anyone that sends someone else to the offer. The incentive marketing website you've signed up to collects those fees and uses the money to buy your free iPhone.

For example, say you sign up with incentive marketing website "IMW". You then try out a new online casino. IMW gets paid $20 because they referred you to the casino.

Next, you refer 10 of your friends to IMW, and they all do the casino offer too. Now IMW gets paid 10x$20 = $200 in referrals fees from the casino.

That means they've collected $220 so far in referral fees which they can use to buy you a free gift. It's as easy as that!


OK so, there's lots of information in this post, sorry about that ha ha! It's all worthwhile though. Now you understand how it is possible to give away thousands of free 3GS iPhones on the internet without a single scam in sight.

I'm halfway towards my iPhone. With any luck I'll get it before New Year, maybe even in time for Christmas!

Free iPhone Proof

By now you're probably thinking, "Well, a free iPhone 3G or 3GS would be great, but there's no way it can be real!", am I right?

I'm not surprised you think that. I was hugely skeptical as well when I first heard that you could get free iPhones on the internet, so I went digging around for some proof. And look what I found!

(Click the image to view a larger version)

These are pictures from people who've received their free iPhones in the post, and there's are hundreds more stories just likes these ones all documented in a little known, secret community forum where people work together to get free gifts like iPhones!

It's not just iPhones either. This process works with almost anything - you can get laptops, TVs, computers, games consoles, XBox, Playstation, iPod, mobile phones, games, clothes, cars, everything.

In the next post I'll explain how the whole thing works and how you can join in to get your free iPhone 3G or 3GS.

Free iPhone 3GS

Welcome to my blog about free iPhones!

I'll be documenting my progress getting a free iPhone, and along the way I'll show you how you can get yours.

Currently I'm halfway towards a free 8GB iPhone 3G. Since it's cheaper than the 16GB or 32GB iPhone 3GS version, it won't take as long to qualify for.

In the next post I'll show a bit of proof that free iPhones are really possible and are not some internet scam, and then I'll post again on how the whole thing works.