Sunday, 6 December 2009

How To Get A Free iPhone

(If you've just arrived, be sure to check out the free iPhone proof page!)

The answer to getting a free 3GS iPhone is all down to one killer secret: incentive marketing. You can learn more about it here:

Here's the basic idea:

1. You sign up to an incentive marketing website.

2. You complete an "offer". These offers are set up by companies who want to attract new customers. It could be trying out a new online casino, or signing up to a home movie rental service, or checking your credit.

Many offers are free and cost you nothing to complete (remember, you only need to complete one offer so if you do a free one it costs you absolutely nothing).

3. Refer friends to do steps 1 and 2. Note: your friends do NOT need to do step 3 (the referral part) - this is NOT a pyramid or ponzi scheme. Even if your friends never receive anything for free, as long as they've completed one offer each you will get credit and receive your free iPhone.

In summary - you sign up, do an offer then refer some friends to also do an offer. Once all the offers are complete, you get your free iPhone 3G or 3GS!

The number of friends you have to refer will vary depending on the cost of the gift you want. The more expensive the gift, the more referrals you'll need.

So here's that link again:

Click on it and go there now and check it out - there's details on the website so you can start immediately.


So why does this all work? Well, companies set up the offers to get new customers. They're willing to pay a referral fee to anyone that sends someone else to the offer. The incentive marketing website you've signed up to collects those fees and uses the money to buy your free iPhone.

For example, say you sign up with incentive marketing website "IMW". You then try out a new online casino. IMW gets paid $20 because they referred you to the casino.

Next, you refer 10 of your friends to IMW, and they all do the casino offer too. Now IMW gets paid 10x$20 = $200 in referrals fees from the casino.

That means they've collected $220 so far in referral fees which they can use to buy you a free gift. It's as easy as that!


OK so, there's lots of information in this post, sorry about that ha ha! It's all worthwhile though. Now you understand how it is possible to give away thousands of free 3GS iPhones on the internet without a single scam in sight.

I'm halfway towards my iPhone. With any luck I'll get it before New Year, maybe even in time for Christmas!

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